Kettlebell Movements to Improve Grappling

June 15, 2010

Hello All,

In this video post we are going to explore Kettlebell movements that really will help your grappling game. We have been using the Kettlebell since 2007 at Synergy Martial Arts and it has really helped. We have found that it has helped our shoulder stability, grip, flexibility and most importantly our conditioning. And with the Kettlebell there is an intuitive learning curve that happens that I have not found in very many movement based methods.

For those of you who don’t know I have been a Massage Therapist since 2000 and have used Kettlebell training concepts to help many of my non athletic clients rehab injuries.

So take a look at the video and go do the work to take your grappling game to the next level.


Drills To Improve Your Rear Leg Round Kick

June 2, 2010

Hello All,

After years of practicing and teaching the rear leg round kick we have come up with 6 drills that can improve the power and accuracy of your kick in a very short period of time.

In this video you will see

  • The mistake that everyone makes when learning to kick and how to correct it
  • 2 Kettlebell movements that are a must for kickers
  • 2 simple yet effective drills that will change how your hips move while kicking
  • and much more…

We have found that these drills are very easy to learn and duplicate so watch and go implement them into your next training session!!!


Should I Train in More Than 1 Martial Art?

June 1, 2010

Hello All,

Recently I was having a conversation with another Martial Artist about training in more than 1 Martial Arts style and they made a remark about training in a bunch of styles and not being really good at any of them. Well for those of you who have trained with us you know that I have had 3 different Jeet Kune Do (JKD) and Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) Instructors on top of training in Wing Chun, Filipino and Indonesian Silat, Muay Thai, Savate, Brazilian Ju Jitsu, Combat Submission Wrestling, Capoeira and Karate.

To some people the above training may seem like throwing paint on a wall to see what sticks but in my experience I believe that training in multiple styles has made me a better Martial Artist. It has given me the ability to look at things from multiple points of reference.

When I am learning something new often I will relate it to another movement that I have already learned. Quite often I have seen that Wing Chun and Kali have very similar movement patterns and if I am having a problem understanding one Art my knowledge of the other helps me understand the material quicker.

I have watched two of my Instructors Guro Dan Inosanto ( and Sifu Dave Hatch ( begin training in new styles. Guro Dan began formal BJJ training in the 1990’s and has received his Black Belt. Since I met Sifu Dave Hatch 1995 he has earned Instructorships in Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Mande Muda Pentjak Silat, Balintawak Eskrima along with earning his Purple Belt in BJJ and his Full Instructorship under Guro Dan Inosanto in JKD and FMA.

I know that both of them in each individual Art are fantastic Instructors and I really feel that because of this cross training it has made them better all around Instructors. This cross training not only adds to their skill sets but allows them to understand the hows and whys of the Arts, this enables them to relate to new students who come to them for Instruction.

In closing I believe that you should cross train and you should explore as many Arts that you can. Beware of what we call technique collecting though it will get you lost and very confused instead look for what all the Arts have in common.


How Kettlebell Can Help Your Clinch Game

May 28, 2010

Hello All,

Since 2005 I have been really exploring the Clinch and ways to improve my Clinch game and my ability to teach my students to have an effective Clinch. We @ Synergy Martial Arts have found that the Kettlebell has really helped our Clinch game a lot.

Here is what you can expect to get from this video.

  • How your stance can make you very vulnerable to throws and a simple way to fix it
  • A little trick with your elbow that will allow you to control your opponent regardless of size
  • The 3 critical Kettlebell movements that will change your Clinch game
  • And much more



New Video Post On Why The Kettlebell

May 25, 2010

Hello All,

I have been using the Kettlebell since 2007 and this video intended to give you information on why I feel that the Kettlebell should be a very important tool in every athlete’s conditioning practice. The information in this video has come from not only my personal experience of rehabing my low back spasms, but my experience using the Kettlebell with over 100 athletes to help them build their athletic foundation so that they can avoid injuries.


Reminder about Ajarn Chai Seminar in Michigan June 26 & 27 2010

May 23, 2010

Hello All,

Have you pre registered for Ajarn Chai’s Seminar here in Michigan on June 26th &27th?

If not here is all the important info.

Attributive Martial Arts, Inc. is honored to bring back Ajarn Chai for a memorable seminar in Thai Boxing.

Master “Chai” is the founder and chief instructor for the Thai Boxing Assoc. of the USA. He instructs Federal law Enforcement, Military Personal and NFL Football Teams. Come and experience one of the most effective martial arts in the world.

Pre-register: 2 Days = $150 1 Day = $85
At the door: 2 Days = $170 1 Day = $95

TIME: Saturday & Sunday
11:00 am to 1:30 pm
2:30 pm to 5 pm

David Hatch
697 Princess Dr.
Canton, MI 48188

Watch this video and add these takedowns to your grappling game

May 1, 2010

Hello All,

A couple of days ago I was on Sensei Erik Paulson’s site ( and watched this video and saw some very good takedowns. Kent Nelson ( and I played around with a couple of them and found the pick up to be a pretty high percentage technique.



How Good is Your Greco Pummel? Watch And Evaluate.

April 24, 2010

Hello All,

Today I went to one of my favorite sites Sensei Erik Paulson’s ( and saw this video of him working the 50/50 pummel. One of the things that Sensei Erik does better than most is to take “grappling” drills and show you how to make them drills that can benefit a striker as well.

So if you Greco Pummel and would like to take it to another level watch this video.

Our Grappling Session 4-21-10

April 22, 2010

Hello All,

The purpose of this post is to cause you to evaluate your grappling/training sessions. In tonight’s class we were grappling and I asked one of my students what her goal was in our grappling session. This is something that I will frequently ask our students to cause them to start to look at their training sessions/methods and begin to have a purpose while training.

She said that her objective was to obtain top mount, so with that in mind we began to roll and when I was working with her I would help her find her way to mount if she was having trouble. As her confidence grew she began to find the mount on her own and a couple of times she caught me with no prompting.

My objective was to work on my shoot when starting from kneeling position or from 1/4 position. This is something that I have really struggled with when grappling with partners that are bigger and stronger than I am or the same size but stronger. Often what happens is that when I shoot my partner will sprawl or I wind up in guard or 1/2 guard with them attempting a guillotine choke. 

Tonight I was resolved to re-shoot if they sprawled and keep my head up if they had the guillotine. With that in mind I am happy to report that I was able to hit a number of shoot attempts and didn’t tap from a choke. I used to use this same strategy while I was stand up sparring and it really helped me to improve my stand up game.

I hope that this helps you with your training and will help make the bumps and bruises a little more meaningful.


Evolution: The Curse Of The Martial Arts Instructor

April 21, 2010

Hello All,

At some point and time every Martial Arts Instructor has to correct a student because the Instructor has evolved. This is a bittersweet moment for the Instructor and this happened to me last night in class. We were going over some trapping drills and as I was watching a student I noticed that he was jamming himself during the drills, I noticed this and realized that is what I used to look like when I was trapping.

Again this was a bittersweet moment because I remember my Sifu Dave Hatch ( repeatedly telling me that I was jamming myself as I was trapping. I didn’t understand what he meant until I saw it last night and as I was watching my student I had to laugh.

Now I could have made the correction and not put the blame on where it belongs which is on me, you see as an Instructor you are responsible for your students and the way that they perform the drills that they are performing. I made the correction and then apologized to my student because I not only instructed him to perform the drill that way he observed me performing the drill that way. UGH!!!

Guro Dan Inosanto ( has often said “That you learn more from your students than they learn from you.” And last night that statement rang true!!!

If you are a student observe the way that your Instructor is teaching you and then pay close attention to the way that you are helping your fellow students out. Is it really the way that your Instructor has shown or just your perception? Paying close attention to these details will help you to understand the material at a much deeper level.

If you are an Instructor are you paying attention to your students and their form? If they are not performing to your satisfaction are you blaming them or are you putting the blame on yourself thus causing yourself to Evolve? All to often when we start teaching we believe that we have reached the top of the summit and that is very dangerous.

Placing the responsibility on yourself you will not only understand the material better you will have a deeper level of yourself and your students.

Go out and Evolve,
